Friday, August 04, 2017

English tip: Give in

Sabe quando alguém fica insistindo em algo, e fica dizendo "uma hora você vai ceder", e a outra pessoa diz "eu não vou ceder"? Então, aprenda agora como dizer ceder em inglês.

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Feliz Dia Das Mães / Happy Mother's Day

Happy mother's Day to every mother, including us, mothers of beautiful dogs! 😊😊
I put an old video below that says everything, absolutely everything about our mamas!
It's in english, but has subtitles in Portuguese.


Feliz dia das mães para todas as mães, inclusive a gente, mãe de belos cachorros! 😊😊
Eu coloquei um vídeo antigo abaixo que diz tudo, absolutamente tudo sobre nossas mamas!
O vídeo está em inglês, mas tem legenda em português.

Sunday, April 16, 2017


So, it is Easter!
We have a tradition, bunnies and chocolate eggs.
And what is Easter about? What is the real meaning?
You probably already know the answer: Jesus suffered a lot, died on the cross and after three days He was resurrected. All of this for us.

We have Easter every year, and every year it is the same thing.
Churches talks about Jesus. His life, death and resurrection. They make plays about it.
It is the exactly same thing every year. I’m not complaining, really. But this is something that I couldn’t stop thinking about.

Stay with me in this okay? So, you’ll understand.
We have the Easter time, when we talk about His LDR (life, death & resurrection), that is good, but, what about the rest of the year?
That’s what I want to explain to you.
Because it has no meaning, all of this, what Jesus went through for you, for me, for all of us has no meaning if we don’t do what God wants, in the rest of the year.
The Easter, the play, the service and everything else that we do has no meaning if our love for Jesus stays in the Easter.

I’m not telling you not to do the play, or not to talk about it.
What I am saying is that you must remember about the reason of the Easter every day of the year, not just on the holiday in April.
You must do the right thing every day.

So, do the play and everything else on the holiday, but don’t forget to please God on the next days okay?
God loves you, and He has so many gifts to give to you. He just wants you to truly love and accept Him.

Thanks God for have die on the cross for me, for all of us.

That’s my message for today, for this special day.
Happy Easter!

Wednesday, April 05, 2017

God could be selfish!

God calls you, but you say: No, thanks, I'm good. I have everything that I need, I have the life that I always wanted. I don't need you.

And God says, Ok, I'm not gonna insist. But if you, someday, change your mind, I'm right here, ready for you.

And one day, something really bad happens to you, and you are about to die, and you say:
God, please, help me, I don't wanna die now.

And then God will either save you from the earthly death or eternal death, either way you are gonna be saved.

But think a little about the title of this post.
God could be selfish, and say no, I'm not going to save you,
I called you years ago, or months ago, and you said to me:
"I'm good, I have everything that I need, I have the life that I always wanted, I don't need you,"
so, I'm not gonna save you.

You can say that if God did that, He was being really mean. But think at His point of view.
You saidbad things about Him. You hated Him. He was just trying to help you, and you treated Him like if He was committed to destroy you at all cost, and now you want Him to help you, He had all the right to say no to you, and even laugh at your face, take a snack, sit down and watch you die.

But thankfully, that is not what He does, because all He wants to do, is to save you, because He knows that without Him, you are nothing. we are nothing. So, if you were dying and asked Him to save you, He would say to you:
"Of course I'll save you, I love you, and all I always wanted was for you to ask me that, and now that you did it, I am so happy. My life is so much happier now that you have accepted me.
And now you're gonna be so much happier as well, because I have the whole world to show and give to you."

So, the next time God calls you and you think about say no, just take a minute to think about all the time that He could be mean, selfish with you because you desarved, and instead, He was good, generous and really amazing with you.

Thanks God because You don't treat us like we deserved!

Monday, March 27, 2017

Life isn't easy!!

I usually say that be happy is up to you.
And it is, actually.
But guess what, life isn't easy.
Sometimes bad things happened to you.
And when bad things happened to you can not put a mask on and pretend to be happy.
If you do so, you're gonna be lying to only yourself.
When bad things happened to you, you gotta allow yourself to be sad.
You gotta allow yourself to get in a sad place and cry, and then breathe.
And then cry again and breathe. You gotta allow youself to do that for as long as you need.
But you gotta remember that you can't be in your sad place forever.
You gotta get up and take control of your life, because if you don't, nobody will!

I'm not here to say to you that I'm perfect, and always happy. Because I am not.
Sometime I am happy, and sometimes I am sad. That's one of the things that makes me human.
Actually I'm in my sad place right now.
Bad things happen.
But I'll be okay.

Sunday, March 12, 2017

What to do instead of...?

What to do instead of watch?
What to do instead of talk?
What to do instead of be rude?
   Be kind!
What to do instead of recieve?
What to do instead of trhow away?
   Fix it!
What to do instead of fight?
What to do instead of revenge?
What to do instead of drive?
What to do instead of complain about what you don't have?
   Thank for what you do have!
What to do instead of dream?
    Make it real!
What to do instead of envy things that others have but you?
    Work to have those things!
What to do instead of being in your room with the computer?
    Being in the great room with your family!

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Pursuing your dreams!

Good morning guys!
How was your week? What are your plans for
this new week? For the this month, for this year?
Here's what I'm gonna tell you!
But before a question. You probably have a dream, right? Everybody have a dream.
Here's another question. Are your dreams bad? I mean, there is something bad about it? Like "that is a bad thing to do"? I don't think so.
Then, if there's nothing wrong with your dreams, pursue them. Really, pursue them, go after what you really want, go after what makes you happy. Don't ever say: that's too big for me; I can't do it; I don't have what is need to do this; or anything like that, because yes, you can do anything you want. The only thing you need is to like what you wanna do. If you want to learn a dance, the only thing you gotta ask yourself is: do I like that dance? If the answer is, of course I like that dance, I actually love it.
Then dive in, because it's gonna be so much easier.
You won't feel much pain, sometimes it's gonna hurts, but you'll like it because you know it's worth it, and in the end, the people who really cares about you is gonna be proud of you, but more important, you're gonna be proud of yourself. And when you look back and see everything that you went through and be able to say: I did it; I made it; I won!
That is as good as eat chocolate!
So, get your dreams out of the box and go work on it!

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Encontros e desencontros Cap. 2

Evening folks.
Just passing by to tell you guys, that the second chapter of "Encontros e Desencontros" is ready.
Go read, because read, opens our mind.


Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Segunda dia de começo? Não!

Já ouviu aquela frase de toda segunda: Segunda-feira começou e com ela uma nova oportunidade para você começar aquela dieta; começar a ler aquele livro; começar aquela academia, etc?
Tem aquela também: Segunda eu começo a fazer tal coisa; segunda eu começo a fazer caminhada em tal lugar, etc?
Com essas frases acabou criando-se um esteriótipo de que você só pode começar novos planos na segunda, como se todo o resto da semana fosse inútil. Imagine só, é terça-feira e você precisou fazer algumas compras, e no caminho passou por uma livraria e viu que aquele livro que você tanto espera chegar, chegou. Você compra e diz: Segunda eu começo a ler esse livro.
Louco não? Você está a tanto tempo esperando o livro chegar, e quando finalmente ele chega, você não vai começar a ler por que é terça e só pode começar novos planos na segunda.
Se você está trabalhando/estudando num projeto que requer 100% da sua atenção, e ele coincidentemente termina na segunda, tudo bem, é normal, é o correto na verdade. Agora você dizer que só vai começar na segunda por causa do esteriótipo, não é normal. Pare de fazer isso! Você está atrasando a sua vida.
Hoje é quarta-feira e você decidiu começar um novo projeto, comece hoje mesmo, não espere pra segunda.
A medida que você colocar isso em prática, você vai perceber que essa coisa de "segunda eu começo", é só um esteriótipo bobo.
E então, que projeto vai colocar em prática hoje?

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Be happy is up to you!

Be happy is up to you. I always said that, but I actually never really believed.
But now I do believe.
Make your own happiness, do what makes you fell good, what you fell happy doing.
I'm not gonna lie to you saying that this is pretty easy, because it isn't. Sometimes it is easy, sometimes even easier, but sometimes it isn't at all.
But that is your life, your happiness we're talking about. You gotta make it work you know.
When it's easy, okay, good for, really. But when it's not, you gotta try, 'cause if you don't, you're the only one who is gonna be feeling sad and with all that darkness inside you, no one else, but you.
So get out of that dark place and go live your life, forget about the others, forget about what they're saying about you. If what you're doing, or what you want to do is right, you don't have anything to worry about.
So let's go!

See you next class!! :)

Friday, February 10, 2017

Dica de inglê do dia: Talk out of

Remember and enjoy the old.

Good morning everyone!
How did you sleep?
I hope that everyone had a good night of sleep.
How was your day yesterday?
What did you do?
And what are you gonna do today?
My guess for yesterday and today is:
Wake up, check all the notifications on your cellphone, respond mensages, like and share some posts, watch some movie, or tv show, or even both, maybe take some pictures, edit and post, and the night came without you notice, and then you go to sleep, but before fall asleep, when you're already in bed, a last check on the cellphone.
I'm not judging, I get it, more than anyone. I love a lazy day. But yesterday, at the end, I decided to do differente. I decided to play cards with my mother, and I gotta say, it was amazing. It's been a long time since we play. And we did last night, was pretty good, we laugh loudly, I more than her, but who's counting right? 

Tecnology is good, really, is very good. But some old things a pretty good too.
So my mensage for today is: take a moment to put all the tecnology aside and play a cards game, a puzzle game, but a real one, virtual games doesn't count okay?
Take a moment to do that, I'm sure you're gonna love it!

Have a good and productive day!

Thursday, February 09, 2017

Minuto da Leitura - Encontros e desencontros

Hey guy!!
What's up?
I'm here now, to tell you guys, that I just posted on Minuto da Leitura the first chapter of Encontros e desencontros.
And it is amazing, you're gonna be so involved with this book, that you're gonna die for the next chapter.

Go check it out.


See you later!!

Wednesday, February 08, 2017

Productive afternoon

A little update...

So, I was at my uncle's all the afternoon, doing nothing..really nothing...Yes, I had a tv right in front of me, and yes I could turn it on and watch whatever I wanted....but I just could think about my blogs and how much I was been unproductive, so I grabbed my phone and started to do what I could do.
And now the blog already has a facebook page, an instagram account, and a whatsapp.
Isn't that great?

The facebook page:
Vida, Livro, Série.

Vida, Livro, Série

Whatsapp number:
71 9 9107-2247

So, enjoy, visit, comment, mail me, text me, make suggestions ....
I am here for you!


My unproductive morning

Hi guys...My night yesterday was so stressful for me, so I couldn't start the book for the other blog, I promise myself that today I would wake up early to write...I did wake up early but I woke up with a damn headache, I couldn't do anything....And today is my birthday, so we went out to celebrate and visit the family, what means that my day, probably will be unproductive...
Let's see what happened!!

Bye guys!!

Tuesday, February 07, 2017

The new blog is ready!

Hello guys, the blog about tv shows "Pipoca, sofá...que comecem as séries!"  is ready and there is a synopsis about the last episode of Jane the Virgin.
I hope you all enjoy.

See ya later!!

I don't know what to say.

Hey guys, I'm sorry, I know it's been a while.. but it's really hard to me to keep a blog, a journal or anything like that. But I'm gonna try really harder this time, I promise.
So, I have those new is a book, a book like a TV show, every week a new chapter. The other one is about series e movies. I'm gonna try to talk about that, tell my point of vision on those series and movies, because I watch a lot of TV shows. More than 20, believe me.
The blog about book is gonna be in Portuguese, and its name is "Minuto da Leitura" "reading time".
And the other one I didn't start yet, yet, because I'm gonna start it.

That's it for now.