Friday, December 07, 2018

New year resolution...

My new year resolution starts today!
Yes, why not?

Tuesday, November 06, 2018

This is life...

So... life is a real drama, comedy, horror, action...
Life is a real deal, life is very complicated and very easy at the same time.
Life is intense and real.
Adulthood for example is... let's say, a real challenge.
One day you think you know it all, the other, you know nothing.

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Get out of the box! / Saia da caixa!

Everybody has a box, or two, three, 50, or God knows how many.
But we are going to talk about only one of the boxes (I think).
The box they like to put us in.

Friday, April 20, 2018

The Coffee / O Café

Algo que pode parecer impossível, difícil, fácil...
Tudo depende do que se é tratado.
Mas a verdade é que nós nos acostumamos com tudo.
Tudo a partir da adaptação.
Nos acostumamos até com a dor, quanto mais o resto.
Quem nunca sentiu alguma dor, e por medo, ou falta de condições
de ir ao médico, conviveu com ela até chegar um momento que nem
reparava mais na dor? A dor passou? Não. Se acostumou? Sim.

Friday, March 02, 2018

Update / Atualização

Hey guys, long time no see. Right?!
I'm okay, nothing to worry about. I'm just really busy.
So, this is just gonna be an quick update about me, about what I've been doing.
Let's cut to chase, shall we?