Everybody has a box, or two, three, 50, or God knows how many.
But we are going to talk about
only one of the boxes (I think).
The box they like to put us in.
Recently I was thinking about
the fact that people don't like the way we are, and they are constantly trying
to mold us.
And I got to a conclusion, that
they put us in a box. They think of us, as water.
Water doesn't have a form. If
you put an amount of water on glass, it will get the glass form, in a bottle,
the bottle form, in container, the container form etc.
So, they think of us, as a
water, and they love, really love to put us in the box.
The box that they have chosen.
So, they choose a box, with
shape, color, smell they want, and then, they just pick us up, and put us inside
this box. We don't notice at first. Actually, for some people, they never see
it, they stay their whole life inside the box, and others, others take a really
long time to realize that they have been put inside a box. But the thing is,
when we realize this, and we try to get out, we are officially declaring war.
I'm serious. You are declaring
war when you decide to get out of the box. The people who put you in there are
not gonna like it. Believe me.
I'm not saying that you should
stay in the box. For God's sake NO!
You definitely should try to
get out. You must. For yourself, not for me, or anyone else.
Because if you try to get out because of someone else, you're just leaving someone's box, and getting in
another person's box. So, do it for yourself.
You might be wondering,
"how do I know that I'm inside someone's box?"
Think about what you wanna do,
where you wanna go, who you want to be.
After that, ask yourself,
"am I doing what I wanna do? Am I going where I wanna go? Am I the person
I want to be?
If the answer is no, you now
gotta ask yourself, "WHY?"
If the answer is "because
of someone..."
Then you've got your answer,
you are inside someone's box.
But you gotta be careful. That
last question is very trick.
We tend to always blame
someone, but ourselves.
You must think about that for
as long as needed.
That can and will decide your
future, so, think, think, and think.
If something is your fault,
accept, forget, and promise to at least try to never do that again, and move
on. Be constantly blaming yourself for something that is already in the past is
not healthy and won't change anything.
If you find something that is
somebody's else fault, try to forgive 'em and move on. If that happened because
you let them, like, because you let yourself be put inside a box... just be careful,
and do not allow yourself to be put in a box again.
People like to mold you.
People mold you but simply
telling you to buy something that is important to them, but not for you.
And just because that is good
for them, they think you should buy it to.
Not like a advice, but like,
"listen to me, you don't know what you're talking about, I know. Buy this
one, because I love it, and for me this is very useful, so buy it. I don't care
that this isn't useful for you..."
To get out of the box, requires
a lot of strength.
It's not going to be easy. Like
I said above, you're declaring war.
The people who have put you
inside a box, they don't want you to leave it. So, you trying to leave it, is
Here is a funny fact about
that, and very irritating too.
If you know you're inside a
box, and don't try to get out, people aren't gonna like you either.
Some people need to make up
their minds.
They either want you inside the
box, or they want you out.
But no! If you are in, they
want you to leave. If you are trying to get out, they want you locked up inside!
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